Tough Questions to Ask Every Financial Advisor

for physicians only

Most health care professionals find themselves working harder and earning less. And most spend more time planning a vacation than preparing for a secure financial future. And those who fail to do that planning often pay a hefty price. For example, a 2022 study from Vanguard Investments found that the expected value from self-management of a hypothetical $500,000 investment would grow to $1.69 million over 25 years. However, the expected value would grow to $3.4 million under the care of an advisor - more than double the value of the self-managed investment.1


1.What can you do for me that I can't do for myself?


A: Life presents many challenges including — but certainly not limited to — the uncertainty of the Social Security and health care systems, the ever-changing tax code and its interpretation, the omni-present danger of litigation, and the complexity of the financial markets in today's global economy. You can face these challenges alone or in partnership with a Certified Financial Planner™ professional who works exclusively with physicians. We offer three major benefits: [1] comprehensive financial planning* services, [2] impartial recommendations, and [3] a financial road map. Our initial fact-finding review of your financial goals, assets, income needs, and tolerance for risk is painstakingly thorough. Unlike others, we sit on the same side of the table with you and pursue your best interests, nobody else's. That means, our advice is unbiased, unrestricted by proprietary products, and untainted by sales quotas. As necessary, we examine the financial universe to create a strategy designed to provide you financial security while explaining everything to your complete satisfaction. Finally, life is a journey, but you probably won't reach your intended financial destination unless you know where you are going, follow the best route there, avoid the “potholes”, and keep up a steady pace. As your “financial quarterback”, we produce a detailed plan intended to get you where you want to be when you want to be there.

Many Americans on the verge of retirement, about 40%, including the highest earners, predict they will run out of money (in retirement). 

2024 Retirement Readiness Study by EB Research Institute

2. Why should I work with you instead of another professional?


A: If your patient has heart problems, you want that patient to consult with a cardiac specialist.
Similarly, if you have concerns about your personal or practice finances, you want to consult with a specialist. Specifically, you want to talk to a financial advisor having extensive experience with the complex financial issues of health care professionals including retirement planning, employee benefits, and asset protection strategies. You get a careful review of your current financial foundation, specific recommendations for strengthening your future and, with your approval, implementation of those recommendations.

We continue with on-going monitoring of your progress and, as necessary, offer suggestions for change. The bottom line is, you are relieved of the stress and time demands of managing your own financial assets, letting you concentrate on important things like your practice, your retirement, your leisure time, your family and a good night's sleep.


3. How much does this cost?


A: The initial consultation is free, informative, without obligation, and potentially life-changing. All subsequent services are provided in exchange for asset-based fees or standard product-based commissions, all of which are fully-disclosed. With state-of-the-art technology, old- fashioned personal attention, and your best interests foremost, we strive to help you meet your objectives and enjoy a sense of financial well-being. We want our services to pay for themselves many times over and for you to wish you had called us sooner. A bigger cost, however, may come from not calling us at all.


4. How often do I hear from you?


A: If there's anything as good as the quality of our financial advice, it's our ultra-personal service. We prefer to work with selective clients who, in turn, prefer an advisor who knows them by name and not simply by account number an advisor who meets their needs, not with a sales pitch, but with a sincere concern for their financial future. You get answers to all your questions, quarterly written updates, annual reviews and, whenever appropriate, a personal phone call or meeting to update or advise you. We respond promptly to your inquiries, treat you like family, and try to exceed your expectations. That's why, if you tell us you are happy with your current financial advisor, we can reply with confidence, “After only one meeting, we think you will be even happier with us.”

5. Do you accept all clients?


A: Nearly all our clients are physicians and/or their families. If, however, we don't feel our capabilities match your needs, we will politely decline your offer to become a client and refer you to another professional. To schedule your complimentary, one hour, no obligation consultation, call our office. If you are undecided and still have questions, call us for the answers. It's your money, your practice, your future, and your move.

Your Next Step:

Take a minute to contact us or you will always wonder how much more secure your financial future could have been.


1  Vanguard (February 2019), Putting a Value on Your Value.  The projections or other information regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual investment results, and are not guarantees of your future results. Please see the methodologies employed in the Vanguard whitepaper: